Which Just add magic character are you?

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You will be taking a Just add magic quiz! How this works: So based on how well you know Just add magic, you will see what Just add magic character you are.

Good luck! But if you are anything like me, You will not need it. As TailPic says, "Good luck. Just relax and do your best. You'll be great!" This is so true. So, Good Luck!

Created by: Lilac of LK
(your link here more info)
  1. What is the real spice?
  2. How old is Hannah in season two?
  3. Is chuck good or bad?
  4. How old did chuck stay?
  5. is the traveler good or bad?
  6. Who is Jake?
  7. How old was rose?
  8. Who is my favorite character
  9. Who is buddy?
  10. Who got spelled

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Quiz topic: Which Just add magic character am I?
