Do You Have Water Magic?

We all have a bit of magic within us. Today I will help you discover if you have water magic. (Like me!) Water types are common so if you want to be one you are in luck!

This test is a Medate Test. Medate Tests are fairly accurate with a success rate of 89% - For this test you will need a quiet room, cup of water, and an empty bowl.

Created by: Rainia
  1. Sit in your room and get into one of the following medatative positions.
  2. Cup your hands. (Still in medatative pose) Put a little water in them. How do you feel?
  3. Close your eyes. What do you see?
  4. Focus on the warmth at your fingertips. Close your eyes again. What do you see?
  5. Are you cold or warm?
  6. Now, slowly let the water fall into the bowl. What do you hear?
  7. Open your eyes and stare at the bowl of water. Imagine your reflection in the water. What do you see?
  8. Gently blow on the bowl. What do you see?
  9. Drink the bowl of water. How do you feel.
  10. Walk around slowly. How do you feel now?
  11. Lay down on your bed. Check a clock then close your eyes. Count to 60 seconds then open your eyes. How much time has passed?
  12. Visualize a circle. What do you see inside?
  13. Your mind will guide you.
  14. Water like a __________ (Finish the simile)
  15. What is your WD Strength? (Weight(pounds)-Age + Arm length(inches)-10)

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Quiz topic: Do I Have Water Magic?