What Kind of Water are You?

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Hey! So this quiz is basically just for fun. My friend and I came up with this idea randomly as we were walking around and we thought it would be really fun to make a quiz about this. Don't take these answers seriously, it's just for fun😊

So this quiz has eight different results. We wanted to incorporate SO many types of water but it would be too many, so for now we just have these. Who knew there were so many different types of water? I guess we gotta stay hydrated, haha.

Created by: 2 Friends
  1. Which out of these is the most true?
  2. Which of these adjectives describes you the best?
  3. How popular are you?
  4. When you're at a party, what are you normally doing?
  5. At school, do you normally . . .
  6. How liked are you in general (regardless of whether you're popular)?
  7. What's your style like?
  8. Who are you in your friend group?
  9. What are your hobbies?
  10. How many siblings do you have?

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Quiz topic: What Kind of Water am I?
