Which K-pop group are you?

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With K-pop having so many groups in the industry, its not crazy that you would want to find the group that best describes you, YOUR STYLE, MUSIC TASTE or FASHION. So which K-pop group are you...?

Lets GOOOOO!Welcome to the K-pop choreography quiz! Ever wondered which K-pop dance styles resonate with you the most? Whether you're a fan of sharp, precise routines, powerful and intense performances, or expressive, story-driven movements, this quiz will help you discover which groups match your taste. From fun, catchy dances that go viral to heart-pounding, high-energy choreography, each K-pop group brings their own flair to the stage. Ready to find out which style you connect with the most? Let’s dive into the world of K-pop dance and see where your preferences lead you!

Created by: Hanni
  1. Describe your fashion
  2. Music taste?
  3. Tones that describes you?
  4. Favorite Genre?
  5. What is your favorite clothing item that reflects your style?
  6. Do you like dancing?
  7. Favorite Animal?
  8. Lastly Fav Kpop idol?
  9. Which K-pop artist style would you love to collaborate with?
  10. What K-pop artist's choreography do you admire

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Quiz topic: Which K-pop group am I?
