What newjeans member are you like?

Wanna know which member from the kpop girl group ''NewJeans" your mostly like? even if you dunno what newjeans is? well this is the perfect quiz for youu

NewJeans (Korean: ; RR: Nyujinseu) is a South Korean girl group formed by ADOR. The group is composed of five members: Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and hyein. yes i copied this from wiki SHH dont tell anyone

Created by: Aimi of my pinterest account
(your link here more info)
  1. Whats your fav color?
  2. whats your fav food?
  3. fav season?
  4. fav hobby?
  5. if you had a nickname, what would it be?
  6. whats your zodiac sign?
  7. Whats your chinese zodiac sign?
  8. how are you described by your friends?
  9. What animal do you mostly look like?
  10. is my quiz nice? its my first time (wont affect ur results btw just a genuine question) and also i made this at school DONT TELL MY TEACHER SHH

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Quiz topic: What newjeans member am I like?
