Which K-pop group is your type

Blackpink (Korean: ; RR: Beullaekpingkeu, stylized in all caps or as BLKPIK) is a South Korean girl group formed by YG Entertainment. The group is composed of four members: Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa. Regarded by various publications as the "biggest girl group in the world", they are recognized as a leading force in the Korean Wave and an ambassador of the "girl crush" concept in K-pop, which explores themes of self-confidence and female empowerment.

Stray Kids (Korean: ; RR: Seuteurei Kijeu; often abbreviated to SKZ) is a South Korean boy band formed by JYP Entertainment. The band consists of eight members: Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N. For undisclosed personal reasons, Woojin left the band in October 2019. Stray Kids primarily self-produce its recordings; the main production team is named 3Racha and consists of Bang Chan, Changbin, and Han, and the other members frequently participate in songwriting.

Created by: DreamWeaver
  1. Are they boys or girls ?
  2. Are they 8 members 7 members or 4 members ?
  3. Is this spelling correct ? (Hangin) ?
  4. Is this spelling correct ? ( Jesoo) ?
  5. Is this spelling correct ? ( Jhop) ?
  6. Do Stray Kids love their fans ?
  7. Is Blackpink close to Stray Kids ?
  8. Who is an artist 👩🏻‍🎨?
  9. Does BTS have a crush on Black Pink ?
  10. Do you like K-pop ?

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Quiz topic: Which K-pop group is my type
