Which JJBA antagonist are you?

This quiz is to see which Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Antagonist you are. I hope you get the character you want. Ok see ya bye see poo E no why to you no(disregard the text at the end.)

The antagonists you can get are the following: Diavolo, DIO/Dio Brando, Kars, and Yoshikage Kira. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Good luck with the quiz. M

Created by: DavidBroGamingYT
  1. Which power would you prefer?
  2. Which character would you kill?
  3. Which hair color would you have
  4. If you could have one of anything you want in the world, what would you get?
  5. How strong are you?
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10

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Quiz topic: Which JJBA antagonist am I?
