Which jade winglet character are you?

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(Art is mine, including the end results. End results are the characters as people). Heya, I'm back what jade winglet character are you? Play this quiz to find out!

Also, a few days ago, one of my quizzes made featured, who's your mha/bnha bestie? I'd you did it, go back on and comment. Do the same for this quiz please.

Created by: Quizuser
  1. What's your favourite arc?
  2. Favorite colour?
  3. Favorite tribe?
  4. Who do you want to get?
  5. Who do you think you'll get?
  6. Who's your favourite Pantala tribe?
  7. Favorite Pantala character?
  8. Favourite ship?
  9. What power would you want?
  10. Let fate decide!

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Quiz topic: Which jade winglet character am I?
