WOF jade winglet

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FutureflightTheNightwing here! Today you will see who in the jade winglet you are! Umber and carnelian included as well! Remember to comment your result!

Hope you enjoy the quiz! Don’t forget to click a smiley rating! - FutureflightTheNightwing it says 150 letters mdjvjekdldkdkdlc,d---dkskckkdksifiskckgkmej jvjekfjrkks

Created by: Futureflight
  1. Gender
  2. Would you. Be bigwings?
  3. What name is most appealing
  4. Tribe
  5. Ummmmmmm
  6. Personality
  7. Fave colour
  8. You wanna live
  9. Ggh
  10. Bhu
  11. Who do you think will get
  12. A power
  13. Do you care if you get one opposite your gender this quiz is designed to give you your own gender
  14. Gender

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