Which Hardy Boy Are you Like MOst?

Which Hardy Boy Or their Friend Chet are you the most like. This quiz will help you understand who you are more like in your favorite book series by Frank W. Dixon.

These two detective Hardy Boy Brothers Are Always on an Adventure. Sometime they're cornered or caught, but every time they solve the case. Are you more like Frank, Joe, or their chubby friend Chet?

Created by: Jane
  1. Would you rather go on a date or spend time with your friend or sibling?
  2. Would You Rather Solve A Case Or Watch A Movie
  3. What Color is Your Hair
  4. What's Your Favorite Color?
  5. Would You Rather Eat An Unhealthy, But Super Tasty Cake, or Healthy Vegetables?
  6. Are you Fat or Slim?
  7. Have you read a Hardy Boys Book?
  8. How many Hardy boys books have you read?
  9. If someone is really mean to you do you try to...
  10. Do you wish to be a detective?

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Quiz topic: Which Hardy Boy am I Like MOst?
