Which Pantala Tribe Are You From?

note: SPOILER ALERT books 11 12 and 13! This quiz is has no obvious answers so don’t try and pick your tribe! :P please enjoy! This series is my favorite so can’t wait for book 14!

I’m on team Sundew book 13 got tons of bad reviews saying bad stuff cuz of her but I liked the book it was amazing and I fell in love with Willowdew! :DDDD

Created by: Golden hunter
  1. Chose your favorite
  2. Chose your favorite
  3. Chose your favorite
  4. Chose your favorite
  5. Chose your favorite
  6. You friend is being bullied what do you do
  7. Your friend scored low on their test what do you do
  8. Chose your favorite
  9. Choose your favorite
  10. You and your friend enter a competition and your friend take s first place while you take 8th what do you do

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Quiz topic: Which Pantala Tribe am I From?
