Which eevee evolution am i?

This quiz is a fun quiz for any pokemon lovers out there and it has been done with care. Remember to answer with pure honesty and never what you would like to be: what you are.

Every result is accurate and will say which eeeveelution you really are. Have you ever wondered what eeeveelution you are? Take this 100% accurate quiz to find out the truth!

Created by: Seth
  1. You saw an injured deer on the road. What do you do?
  2. Someone betrayed you! What is your reaction?
  3. Which of these best describe you.
  4. Think about your friendship group. Which member are you?
  5. What is your hobby?
  6. What was your favourite subject at school?
  7. Which of these would embarrass you the most?
  8. How do you feel about life
  9. What is your biggest flaw?
  10. Which of these would be your dream job?

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