Are you a Cat or a Dog person.

This quiz will decide if you are more of a dog or a cat person! Do you have the laid-back, independent personality of the cat or the needy, friendly and outgoing personality of a dog?

This is a quiz not to decide on which should you get or be your favourite. Enjoy the differences between the two and answer with pure honesty and truth!

Created by: seth
  1. You are at a party with strangers that you don't know. What are you like?
  2. Someone you don't know comes and starts talking to you. What do you do?
  3. How shy are you out of 6? 1 meaning not very shy at all
  4. Which of these do you believe in most?
  5. Which of these do you believe in most?
  6. ...and these?
  7. ...and these?
  8. How trusting are you out of six?
  9. Do you care about being popular?
  10. Do you like attention?
  11. How do you feel being near other people?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Cat or a Dog person.
