Which Eminem Song Are You?

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You love Eminem right, so do I. You got a favorite song that really speaks to you? This is a quiz to match you up with one of Em's songs.

So get ready to see the track you match up with. Then write about it in the comments, whether you agree or disagree. Go!

Created by: the stann
  1. How do you feel now :P?
  2. Why do you take this quiz?
  3. Do you love watching movies?
  4. Which eminem song is your favourite?
  5. Again :P
  6. Now a lil bith of eminem when was he born (I'm a stann :D).
  7. What was his first album :D?
  8. What's the name of his tattooist?
  9. Where was he born?
  10. What dou think your result is?

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Quiz topic: Which Eminem Song am I?