Would we be friends?

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I literally have no idea what to put here. The title is pretty self explanatory I feel like. But I need this to be a certain amount of words to count sooooo hiiiiiiiiiiiiii ok there

( 〰 ) same thing with this, it needs a certain amount of words so, here's some Eminem. May I have your attention please, will the real slim shady please stand up

Created by: Krymson
  1. What's your favorite color
  2. Favorite music genre?
  3. Opinion on God?
  4. Gay?
  5. Pick a song
  6. Pick an emoticons
  7. What's your favorite animal
  8. What are you doing in your free time
  9. Eminem?
  10. Rate my first quiz (this has no affect on the results)

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