Which Element Do You Act Like? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Element Do You Act Like?
which element do you act like?
Your Result: You act most like AIR!(Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)
Everyone loves your happy go-lucky personality! But your indecisiveness throws you off alot of the time. You are flirtatious and charming which always keeps your lovers interested. Extra chatty is the thing you are with your bestfriends. It is very hard not to like you!
Accurate much I'm an Aquarius :D Lol mint quiz 10/10
I got air, the description fits me almost perfectly :D but I'm really a Capricorn so not sure what happened there XD
Air, not exactly me. I'm a Leo and a Cancer (birthday on the mark in between, July 23) But it's pretty close to me! Nice quiz!
for the people that got a different one than what they really are, they might have more of the sign they got on their chart. (other planets such as mercury, mars,pluto, ect.)
I got fire and I'm a Sagittarius! Very nice!
Water..... Im afraid not...... Im libra, my element is air, so the water personality didnt quite match mine....
Air, Libra! YUP!!
i got water...um no.I is fire and air and my star sign im not sure of lol! great quiz! :)
i got water yea!
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