Which Dragonet of Destiny are you? (Wings of Fire)

Ever wondered which dragonet of destiny you were? You’ve came to the right place! Here you will find out who you are in the first five books and your base personality traits!

You will be asked a series of questions determining your personality. If a question does not have fitting answers for you, just choose the closest answer.

Created by: Fallout taco
  1. Favorite color?
  2. Huh. So, you see someone at a bar, folding twenty in his pocket. He’s looking for something, and muttering. What do you do?
  3. Someone dropped something.
  4. Family game night
  5. Favorite day of the week?
  6. Hm… Lemme write this down.
  7. Ok, so where do you eat often?
  8. Do you have pets or wish to get pets?If you don’t have pets and want them, choose the one you want most.
  9. How many bookshelves are in the house, whether they are full or not?
  10. What color are the walls inside your house/apartment or wherever you live?

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Quiz topic: Which Dragonet of Destiny am I? (Wings of Fire)
