Wings of Fire: Which dragon are you?

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Here you will determine what dragonet from Jade Mountain Academy you are. There are only 8 questions. Each question is easy and gives at least two result points.

This will get you to your inner dragonet! Kinkajou, Winter, Peril, Moon, DarkStalker, Qibli, or Turtle! You probably need to know what Wings of Fire even is first before you take this quiz, like, read the books know it, not search it on google.

Created by: Morgan
  1. If your friends invited you to the mall, would you tag along?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What power would you have?
  4. What Kingdom would you visit?
  5. Which pet would you inherit?
  6. What is your spirit animal?
  7. Would you rather eat...
  8. Where would you live?
  9. What color would you mostly be as a rain wing?
  10. Would you rather be...

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Quiz topic: Wings of Fire: Which dragon am I?
