Which Darkblood Tale Character Are You Most Like?

This is a quiz that will tell you which character in The Darkblood Tale you most resemble. You will see who you're most like, as well as who else closely resembles you.

These questions are meant to make you think deeply about your responses in hopes of getting optimal results, so answer honestly. I hope you enjoy taking this quiz!

Created by: Kate
  1. Which of the following do you value most?
  2. Which of the following statements do you find yourself agreeing with more?
  3. Which area in Sesheim would you most like to live in?
  4. People would describe me as...
  5. Which genre of movie do you prefer?
  6. I am at my best self when I am ___
  7. My worst self when I (am) ____.
  8. Which outfit fits your style?
  9. I wish other people would ___
  10. I wish I had a spell that could make me ___.

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Quiz topic: Which Darkblood Tale Character am I Most Like?
