Which Creepypasta crushes on you secretly

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Please don't worry none of this is serious it's all a fun game I know Hoodie and Masky aren't creepy pastas but I treat them that way so plz I beg no hate

I haven't made a quiz before so if there are mistakes I apologize ,otherwise enjoy and hopefully you get Wich one you want, if not take it again remember this is for fun

Created by: Creepypastakit666
  1. What weapon do you like
  2. Favorite food
  3. Favorite color combos
  4. Are you....
  5. What zodiac do you like the best out of.....
  6. What Creepypasta do you hope to get(Yes I count hoodie and Masky as creepypasta)
  7. How much did you like the quiz?
  8. Do you think It needed work?
  9. What other quizzes should I make
  10. Lastly what's 6 times 3

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