which creepy pasta are you

have you ever felt like a creepy pasta? if you have, then find out which one you could be/which one you could be related to/ which one is most like you

how did i come up with this? well... i was watching a gacha video about creepy pastas on youtube so ye. also, this was not meant to be innopropriet for people, so dont mind the fact that it sort of may be. just enjoy the quiz (hopefully) and be sure to give me a comment on which one you are

Created by: adalphine10
  1. if you had to kill someone, they would have...
  2. your friends would describe you as...
  3. someone starts to bully you. you...
  4. do you think that you are a creepy pasta
  5. have you ever wanted to kill someone
  6. have you ever been called a 'freak'
  7. what do you like most about halloween
  8. have you ever been super mad at your family
  9. and finally: have you ever been called creepy
  10. oki and finally how much did u enjoy this quiz

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Quiz topic: Which creepy pasta am I
