Which clan do you belong to!

Just do it! By the way.. don’t do it randomly cos then you won’t really get the proper answer cos then why on earth would you want to actually want to take the quiz?


Created by: I like to yeet
  1. You see somebody being bullied , what do you do?
  2. You see two leaders fighting who are they?
  3. How are you enjoying the quiz?
  4. Would you take in a kitty pet?
  5. Which clan do u wanna be in?
  6. Have you harmed a kitty pet?
  7. You accidentally murderd a cat.. what do you do?
  8. You get really dizzy what time do you come back home?
  9. How do u throw somebody’s dead corpse
  10. How many push ups could you do?

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Quiz topic: Which clan do I belong to!
