Which Power of the Tribes Clan are You?

This is based off of the power of the tribes book, The first sunrise. There are four Clans. Earth, fire, water, and Ice. Take this quiz to find out which Clan you are.

Are you Fire, Ice, Earth or Water? What do you do In your free time? What songs do you like? What dogs do you like? Let me know your answers! Hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Poison4132
  1. Your dream place
  2. How do you like the temperatures of your bedroom?
  3. What do you do in your free time?
  4. What type of pokemon?
  5. What is your favorite game?
  6. What type of birthday party?
  7. favorite Disney movie
  8. Favorite song?
  9. Books?
  10. Pet?
  11. Favorite flower?
  12. Okay if you can any power what would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which Power of the Tribes Clan am I?
