Which character from the Mentalist are you?

Which mentalist character are you? It is like 3 am and I am watching the mentalist so doing this sounded entertaining. Godspeed. It's making me add more words.

Goodluck. It is making me add more characters to this box and I have no clue what to write. my lord it is making me add more words making me upset. uh

Created by: Lane
  1. To start off, do you have a character you're hoping to get?
  2. Are you religious or spiritual.
  3. Do you like to read?
  4. What is your vice?
  5. What are your opinions about Patrick Jane's hair?
  6. What are your opinions of vigilante justice?
  7. Would you seduce someone over a meal?
  8. Do you do well in school? if you're no longer in school, did you do well.
  9. coffee or tea?
  10. what is your favorite tv show (besides the mentalist if that's your answer). I just put my favorite shows as options, sorry if yours isn't on there.
  11. Do you listen to music? what genres do you like?

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Quiz topic: Which character from the Mentalist am I?
