What is your Hunger Games District? My version

Thanks for doing this quiz. It is meant to be fun, so have fun and I hope you got what you got what you wanted or were extremely suprised. It's making me do more words

As in said, it is meant to be fun. These results mean nothing so do not take it personally. And please, have some fun. It is making me do more words. So here are more words

Created by: Mystykmei
  1. How old are you?
  2. What is your favourite colour
  3. When we're you born?
  4. What is your weapon of choice?
  5. Would you run towards or away from the cornucopia?
  6. Which arena would be best for you?
  7. Why would Capitol citizens sponsor you?
  8. How would you win the Hunger Games?
  9. How would you die?
  10. What would you do when you win?
  11. What is your biggest fear?
  12. What would be your last crazy Capitol meal before the games begin?
  13. What season do you resonate most with?
  14. What is your divergent faction?
  15. What element do you think that you represent?

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Quiz topic: What is my Hunger Games District? My version
