which jsyd character are you?

okay so time to find out which jsyd (jj & upsyd) character you are! no one knows what this is. i wouldn’t recommend googling it unless you want to read a very poorly written couple of chapters of a story that was ever finished

^ and was also built entirely around typos and inside jokes, so it’s literally not funny to anyone else. speaking of not funny, not my best quiz. making so many character results drained my creative energy

Created by: emmy
  1. okay first things first... tough question... you are:
  2. you’re in a grocery store and you see former president donald trump buying flavorless unsweetened cornflakes. which of the following best represents your reaction:
  3. who is the devil, really?
  4. pick a quote
  5. pick one.
  6. which scenario feels the most comforting
  7. what is your favorite harry potter character.
  8. speaking of which, what’s your hogwarts house?
  9. which thing do you hate the most
  10. what song did you listen to when hiding from your peers in the middle school bathroom
  11. pick an emoji
  12. okay finally last question. if someone who looked complete my identical to you walked up to you on the street and said hi, how would you react?

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Quiz topic: Which jsyd character am I?
