Which Full House Character Are You?

Are you a fan of Full House? Find out what character is the most like you! Even if you've never seen the show, you will still learn a thing or two about your personality.

When you read the questions, just say the first answer that comes to mind. And remember, "Everywhere you look, there's a heart .. a hand to hold on to!"

Created by: Gracie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What time do you wake up?
  2. Your best friend is showing you his brand new motorcycle ... you say:
  3. In school, you are/were:
  4. Your favorite type of movie is:
  5. Which of these songs do you like best?
  6. You see your friend shoplifting at the mall .. you:
  7. Your favorite subject in school is/was:
  8. If you go shopping, it's probably to buy:
  9. Your favorite catch-phrase is:
  10. Your best friend is:
  11. Your favorite sport is:
  12. How many relationships have you had?
  13. If you could be friends with a Full House character, you'd want to be friends with:

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Quiz topic: Which Full House Character am I?