Which character are you dating? [Aphmau mystreet edition]

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Heyo, sorry I haven't posted in 4 days. I've actually been really busy on the holidays surprisingly. BANG BANG!! Oh yeah, KC found out about this so she's locked in meh basement.

Also, I finished watching tadc (the amazing digital circus) today. I loved it! My favourite character HAS to be a TIE between Zooble and Gangle. Anyway, have fun bai!

Created by: Quizuser
  1. Favorite colour?
  2. Cats or dogs?
  3. Shipper or ripper?
  4. I'm running out of ideas...
  5. Plz comment
  6. Plz giv this quiz a green smily face
  7. I'm bored.
  8. I just finished watching tadc today.
  9. Do you think GLITCH productions will get Mr netflix to upload Murder drones to netflix seeing as tadc is on there?
  10. I wanna watch more tadc 😭

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Quiz topic: Which character am I dating? [Aphmau mystreet edition]
