Which warrior cats character are you?

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Well helloooooooooooooooooo! This is a warrior cats quiz, it will determine which cat you are in warrior cats! :3 why? Absolutely no idea!!! So yea lol

Yes, Ravenpaw isn’t a drawing, it was the real-life one I found on holiday! :3, if you wanted a drawing womp womp… sorry… anyways so yea this requires 150 letters :3 but it’s actually 187

Created by: Wispy
  1. Hello! Are you looking forward to this quiz??? <3 it’s my first time!!!
  2. Ok, Q1!: there’s a fire in camp, who do you save?
  3. Interesting… Your training with your apprentice and a BADGER ATTACKS!!Q what do you do?
  4. Ok?…which role would you head for???
  5. How would you attack in a war??
  6. Someone ELSE got the role you want???
  7. Awwwwwww, almost the end :C should I make more quizzes?
  8. Style?
  9. Ok, did u like this quiz???
  10. Bye :C

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Quiz topic: Which warrior cats character am I?

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