Which Cash and Nico character are you?

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Hey! I'm back with another quiz, which Cash and Nico character are you? The reason I did it, is because I haven't actually seen any 'what Cash and Nico character are you?' Quizzes so here's the first ever one!

Results: Cash, Nico, Shady, Mia, Zoey, Juliette, Clyde, The toast miner. If you haven't seen Cash and Nico's videos, you should go on YouTube and search either 'Cash' or 'Nico'. In my opinion, thier awsome YouTubers!

Created by: Quizuser
  1. What's ur favourite minecraft ore?
  2. What's ur favourite colour (plz don't kill me)
  3. What video game would you rather be playing?
  4. Who do u want to get?
  5. RP time! Ur walking around Square City and bump into someone who?
  6. Whoever u chose, takes u to there favorite place, where?
  7. RP over
  8. Who is ur best friend?
  9. Second to last question. Did u like it?
  10. Last question. Will u check out thier channel?

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Quiz topic: Which Cash and Nico character am I?
