Cashwise cool guys 2.0

This quiz is about Cash-Wise a corporation owned by Coborn's. This is about Cash-Wise, And the people their. Check out this quiz to find out what you are there.

This quiz is about Cash-Wise a corporation owned by Coborn's. This is about Cash-Wise, And the people their. Check out this quiz to find out what you are there. This is a copy of the first paragraph as I have nothing else to put

Created by: A Cashwise cool guy
  1. Do you work at a Coborn's Location
  2. Do you like Cashwise
  3. What's Coborn's best store
  4. Do you like feet
  5. Which Is the best section for food in Cashwise
  6. Do you like corporates Policies?
  7. Who is the King of Cashwise?
  8. Who is you fav Cashwise mother
  9. Who is the best boss?
  10. Is the customer Always right?

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