Which Canterwood Boy Is Yours?

This is a quiz for all the people who know and love Canterwood. You're here, so that must include you.

Do you no sasha, callie, eric, and Jacob? Take this quiz and find out if you no as much as they do. This is about who you are most alike. Are you a canterwood crest genius?

Created by: Piper
  1. Which cc girl are you?
  2. Which boy are you?
  3. Who is sashas boy?
  4. Is eric callies, sashas, or paiges?
  5. Did sasha have a crush on Jacob, or eric at the sweet sorie?
  6. Who is your favorite cc boy?
  7. Did heather break up 1 or 2 couples?
  8. Who are the 2 girls in the 2 main couples?
  9. Which 2 got together at the sweet sorie?
  10. Does paige have a crush on?
  11. Who does eric like/kiss on the last day of the clinic?

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Quiz topic: Which Canterwood Boy Is mys?