Which Canterwood Crest Girl Are You?

Which Canterwood Crest girl are you? Are you a city girl like Heather? Or... are you from a small town, like Sasha? Are you competitive like Callie or tame like Paige?

Are you pretty and popular? Are you always alone? Are you in your crowd! Whichever you are, you'll find out! You are a great person, and i hope you like the quiz cos it took ages to do!

Created by: Laura
  1. It's the weekend. What do you want to do?
  2. How would your BFF describe you?
  3. How would you prefer your friends?
  4. It's your bestie's party! What would you do there?
  5. What's your favourite colour?
  6. A girl trips and falls on the floor. what would you do?
  7. What would you do if your friend was mean to someone?
  8. Are you a cook?
  9. What are your best friends like?
  10. What's your favourite horse breed?

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Quiz topic: Which Canterwood Crest Girl am I?
