Do you know Canterwood Crest?

Well, today if you'd like to try, you are going to do a quiz about Canterwood Crest. Happy reading! Oh, and um, hope you like my quiz, and have a great day!

So, yeah, keep reading Canterwood Crest, and go to, and post a comment!! I've already posted one, and you can add on any comments about my quiz, and I go there normally

Created by: CCAgirl
  1. Who wrote the book?
  2. What is Jasmine's roomate's name?
  3. Who is Lauren Towers's roommate? (If you haven't read that part, pick a random one)
  4. Sasha Silver is an amazing main character, so she OBVIOUSLY gets asked out. But . . . by who?
  5. Well, PHEW! Almost done, but . . . who is Callie's cat?
  6. Alright, now, this is almost over but who is Sasha'sroommate?
  7. Only 4 more! Who is Brit Chan?
  8. Who is Doug? 3 more!
  9. 2 more. Who are the three girls of the trio?
  10. Last one!!!!!!! What does Sasha love most?

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Quiz topic: Do I know Canterwood Crest?
