How much do you know about Canterwood Crest?

This quiz is for the girls(and boys!) who want to challenge their Canterwood Crest knowledge or who are just looking for something to do! But to be the Canterwood Queen you go to have read the series!

Are YOU the Canterwood Crest genuis? Why don't you test your knowledge and find out?! But, you do have to know your Canterwood Crest stuff! Good luck!

Created by: Holly

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What are the names of the CCA horses?
  2. What are the names of the CCA girls?
  3. When do the girls get invited to the exclusive clinic?
  4. How would you describe Heather's personality?
  5. What is Sasha's dog's name?
  6. What coat is Sasha's horse?
  7. What is the horse riding teacher?
  8. Name two of the Canterwood Crest boys
  9. What is Sasha's favourite item?
  10. Which girl did not make it in the YENT?
  11. Who is the CC girl's enemy?
  12. What are the Canterwood Crest colours?
  13. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Canterwood Crest?