Which All Hail King Julien entourage character are you?

This is a quiz about which AHKJ character you are. This is just my interpretations of the characters, and if the result is undesirable or, to you, incorrect, then remember that this is all subjective!

Are you…. The extroverted, witty party prince? His stoic, patient and wise councillor Maurice? His paranoid, danger-loving and intelligent bodyguard? Or his every-loyal lackey, who would never leave his side?

Created by: IMakeQuizzes
  1. What is your favourite activity?
  2. What kind of outing is you favourite?
  3. There is a threat to the kingdom! What do you do?
  4. If you are out in a play, which part would you audition for?
  5. Which of these describes you best?
  6. Which of these four are your favourite anyway?
  7. Favourite quote?
  8. Eye colour?
  9. What is your relationship with your family?
  10. Someone makes a mistake in you group project. What do you do?
  11. Somebody has broken a rule! What do you do?
  12. How smart are you?
  13. Best ship?
  14. Is this quiz done yet?
  15. The end. Guess which is my favourite?

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Quiz topic: Which All Hail King Julien entourage character am I?
