What Annoying Character Trope Are You/ Is Your Character?

Have you ever wanted to be in a book? Use this quiz to learn what your role would be! If you have a character who you fear is too stereotypical, you can also use this quiz to see if there's something wrong, and what's wrong.

If your using this to judge characters, remember it's okay if the character resembles a trope, as long as they have flaws, good traits, goals, fears, and hobbies like other characters.

Created by: the person
  1. What do you like to eat?
  2. What kind of music do you like to listen to?
  3. Other people would describe you as.
  4. Imagine: You are at a battlefield just after the battle. You see someone/something lying on the ground and you run towards the thing immediately. What was it?
  5. Running after that thing/person was a trap! Soon, you see the enemy army after you! What do you do?
  6. Imagine: You are at home and your love interest is glaring at you. They accuse you of cheating. What do you do say?
  7. Imagine you accused you love interest of cheating and they just said what you said to them.
  8. What high school stereotype are you?
  9. What are you wearing?
  10. How much attention do you want?

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Quiz topic: What Annoying Character Trope am I/ Is my Character?
