Which Afton family member are you?

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Welcome to the quiz. Have you ever wondered which Afton you are? So have I. Look plenty further, I have a quiz for you. Feel free to compare this result to the others of other quizzes as everyone has different perspectives on this.

This quiz is under the idea that Michael Afton is the older brother in FNaF 4 (otherwise known as, MikeBro theory). However, this is not a known canon thing. It is fine if you do not believe in this, I may also make a MikeVictim-based quiz.

  1. First question: What is your eye color?
  2. What is your hair color?
  3. What is your gender? (yes, this will affect your score)
  4. On a scale of 1 to 5, how self-centered are you? Be honest, this isn't necessarily a bad thing nor will you be judged.
  5. Do you consider yourself a good or bad liar?
  6. Pick a color. Purple isn't here since that is an obvious give-away.
  7. Are you interested in dark material?
  8. Do you have nightmares often?
  9. Do you consider yourself...
  10. Are you prone to violence?
  11. Do you consider yourself a caring person?
  12. Do you have disorders or illnesses? Informed self-diagnosis is alright, but it has to be informed. (This inherently includes any neurodivergant experience.)
  13. Are you apart of the LGBTQIA+ community? (Paraphilias, while disorders, are not apart of the LGBTQIA+ community. However, contradicting labels such as lesboys, m-spec gays/lesbians, afab transfem/amab transmasc, etc. are all welcome to select "yes". Exclusionism and ignorance have no place in this quiz.)
  14. What is your fear?
  15. Finally, which result are you hoping to get? (This plays a very minor part in your result.)

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Quiz topic: Which Afton family member am I?
