Can you survive Purple Guy?

So, I guess you are doing this? Have fun! Also warning this might get a little..........violent............. But still, have fun!.......................I guess

Hey, okay so you are gonna see if you can survive Purple Guy aka William Afton. Don't worry, there is only one way to die, so be free and don't get nervous. Also, be real and do what you actually would.

Created by: Lina
  1. Your mother dropped you of at Freddy's for a party. Where do you go first?
  2. Soon, a man approaches you. "Hello child. Are you enjoying your time here?"
  3. "Hmm" he stares at you. "Do you like the animatronics?"You wonder why he is asking so many questions, but you answered.....
  4. "Wanna see a surprise? Its in the back room." He smiles suspiciously
  5. You walk into a small room with a desk, a golden Freddy animatronic, and a small shelf. It is kinda dark, and you won't know why your here. Suddenly, the man pulls out a knife."Ha! You foolish child!" He laughs terrifyingly.
  6. "Now, shut up and this will be over before you know it." He slams you against the wall, holding his knife by your neck.
  7. Alright I'm done! What do you say, Fate?
  8. More fate?
  9. I hope you enjoyed!
  10. Alright, ready!?

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Quiz topic: Can I survive Purple Guy?
