Which Afton are you?

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Hey guys this is my 3rd quiz! I will test you to see which Afton you are. There is no time limit and you have 12-13 questions to answer so yeah have fun.

Which Afton do you think you are? William? Mike? Lizzy? or even Evan/C.C? Hope you enjoy and please comment, rate and give me some ideas for the next quiz.

Created by: GL1TCH3D SH4D0W
  1. What's you favourite food?
  2. What's your favourite colour?
  3. Do you care about your family?
  4. Who do you like the most in you family?
  5. How did you die?
  6. Pick an animal.
  7. What do you do in your free time?
  8. QUESTION TIME! Will: Do you like or hate people?
  9. Mike: Ever had a robot live inside you?
  10. Liz: hi... umm. Do you like Circus Baby?
  11. Evan/C.C : What do you think of my 2 fat bears?
  12. And the last question, from me : who is your favourite Afton?
  13. See you later! (no effect)

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Quiz topic: Which Afton am I?

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