Which Afton Family Character are YOU?

Hellu! This is a which Afton are you quiz as you should know. I have tried my best on this being my first quiz made. This is with my AU so please don't be upset. The next one will be with the canon Afton sets.

William is more of a softie, Mrs. Afton is well is a mother (Mothers are as mothers be lol), Michael is cold, Elizabeth often gets what she wants, and C.C./Christopehr/Evan/Norman is more of a loner.

Created by: Unknown_Pumpkin
  1. What is your favorite color?Remember, be honest all of the simpers on here.
  2. Which is your favorite character out of these?
  3. William's Question: How do you think being Springlocked felt?
  4. Mrs. Afton's Question: On a rate 1-8 8 being the worst, how much do you like our family?
  5. Michael's Question: Would you forgive me after a stupid f---ing prank like what I did on C.C.?
  6. Elizabeth's question: Would you like ice cream after your death if you were me?
  7. C.C.'s question: Do you like being alone?
  8. If there were a deadly animatronic in a room sleeping and you couldn't find a way out so far, what would you do?
  9. Are you gay? I support the LGBTQ+ commnity! <3
  10. What is your favorite meal?
  11. How many friends do you have?I would be in answer 3 I think.
  12. Are you enjoying this quiz? This won't affect you.

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Quiz topic: Which Afton Family Character am I?
