Which '90s British Comedy Film Are You?

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The modern world is so complicated and confusing as we grapple with difficult philosophical choices such as 'Do I follow 1D or give it up to be a Belieber?'. Sometimes don't you just wish you could be transported back to simpler, more carefree times like Britain in the 1990s?

It was the decade that gave us Girl Power, Oasis versus Blur, Major versus Blair and Take That versus East 17 (OK so the latter wasn't really much of a competition). Rave culture went mainstream, women swooned at the sight of Colin Firth in tight trousers and for a brief moment towards the end of the decade even God became a DJ. Anyway, take this quiz and find out which '90s British comedy classic you are!

Created by: James Foster
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of vehicle do you travel in?
  2. What is your favourite part of the UK?
  3. What is your idea of a fun night out?
  4. Which is your favourite song of the following?
  5. You meet a girl you like, what do you do?
  6. Who would play your ideal baddie?
  7. If you were to die unexpectedly, how is it most likely to happen?
  8. What nationality are you?
  9. Are you, by any chance popular British character actor and entertainer Keith Allen?
  10. What type of house do you live in?

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Quiz topic: Which '90s British Comedy Film am I?