Shrek the Third
"Shrek the Third" (also known as "Shrek 3") is an animated comedy flick that debuted on May 18, 2007. The film stars Mike Myers as Shrek; Cameron Diaz as Princess Fiona; Eddie Murphy as Donkey; and Antonio Banderas as Puss-in-Boots. Although this movie received negative reviews by critics, it was a hit at the box office. The film is mainly about Shrek's quest to bring Fiona's cousin, Arthur Pendragon (aka Artie) to Far Far Away as the new king.
Personally, I didn't like "Shrek the Third" that much. In fact, many fans thought the movie was horrendous. However, like any other movie, it has its moments. If you've watched the film, then this quiz shouldn't be difficult. If not, oh well.