What Yellowstone Animal Am I

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I took every picture myself. This is an original quiz just for fun. Not always completely accurate. Please enjoy it anyway! I worked hard :3 (btw there are more animals in Yellowstone just imma bit lazy while making this -.- ((Another btw: if you have any questions or anything just tell me in the comments!

Advice from a Animal Expert: please keep you distance to any wild animals. Especially your favorite animal. Don't make any sudden movements in a predator encounter. Make quiet noises and keep getting louder. As you do that make yourself look big. Make direct eye contact with the animal.

Created by: FennecFoxie_Paws
  1. Are you a lone wolf or social butterfly?
  2. If you had one animal characteristic, what would it be?
  3. If you could live anywhere that is listed here, where would it be?
  4. Do you have any pets? (Outside and farm animals count too)
  5. What times are you active?
  6. How many friends do you have?
  7. How hungry are you?
  8. This was a short quiz, so what animal do you think you'll be?
  9. How did you think of this quiz?
  10. And now... ready for your results?

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