What is your theriotype?!

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Hi this quiz is to determine a slight picture of what type of animal your emeritus is! If you enjoy this quiz please share it with your friends! It's not completely accurate!

This isn't for therians only!!!! You can take this quiz for fun to see what animal you represent but also please don't criticise the quiz it's my first time!

Created by: Autumn_Wild_K4tz
  1. Are you a therian or something like an alterhuman?
  2. What place do you most feel comfortable in out of these?
  3. If You have had a phantom shift what limbs did you have?If you haven't had one press SKIP
  4. What phrase best describes you?!
  5. If you have mentally shifted before what was your main colour/s?If you haven't mentally shifted before press SKIP
  6. Have you ever felt like an animal before?
  7. What food would your animal eat??
  8. What things do you enjoy?
  9. What gear do you wear/ want to wear?
  10. This won't affect your score but did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my theriotype?!
