What animal are you? (based on 3 animals)

Whats your WILD side? Take this quiz to find out what you are! Are you a wolf, fox, or cat?see what you are with this quiz ( not completely accurate)This quiz won't be completely accurate so do more research on what you got

You can also use this to get a hint of what your thraireo type is! ( ik I probably spelt that wrong)accurate)This quiz won't be completely accurate so do more research on what you got

Created by: LunaTheTherian
  1. Do you like meat or veggies?
  2. What pet would you get?
  3. If your friend got hurt or got in a fight, what would you do?
  4. What is ( in your opinion) the best place to be in?
  5. Gender
  6. What is your favorite animal
  7. Family or friends first?
  8. Was this quiz good? (Will not affect answer)
  9. Would you like to see your answer?
  10. Do you think your answer is good?

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Quiz topic: What animal am I? (based on 3 animals)
