What XXLH position are you?

XXLH is a game which combines the agility of volleyball, the strategy of football, the defense of soccer, and the rules of basketball. If you are a beginner XXLB enthusiast and you want to find y=out your ideal position, then click away!

I created this game in 6th grade Phys. Ed class for an assignment to create your own volleyball game. Me and 4 friends created it, and even more people wanted to play! If you want to play XXLB, then learn the rules at XXLB.com.

Created by: XXLBFan11
  1. Are you.... Short or tall
  2. Stocky or skinny
  3. Agile or muscular
  4. Passer
  5. Scorer
  6. Assister, scorer, or defense?
  7. High vertical?
  8. What is your ideal method of scoring
  9. Are you a premediator?
  10. Where are you positioned

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Quiz topic: What XXLH position am I?
