What position in soccer are you?

So, want to know what you will be when you go to the major leagues. Well, here is the place, because it best analyzes your choices and then gives you an answer. After you get your result, you will find out that the skills of that position match your position!

Could you be a defender, midfielder, forward? Only time will tell, and after this quiz, you will be amazed with your result, and think of how good this position is for you! Lets start!

Created by: riya
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You have just won the game, what do you do?
  2. There are ten seconds left in the game and you get the ball. What do you do?
  3. Someone taller than you is coming towards you with the ball, so what are your reactions?
  4. What is your strength in soccer?
  5. Its halftime and you are down by two. What is the plan?
  6. Its just one defender between you and the goalie, so what do you do?
  7. Which emoji is your favorite?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. Who is your favorite player?
  10. This does not count, and is the last question, but....THINK FAST!

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Quiz topic: What position in soccer am I?