What wings of fire tribe do you belong in

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This quiz is for the curious Wings of fire series,This quiz doesn’t take dragons from the Pantala,So don’t be salty if you figure it out yourself,You must enjoy this quiz!If you have a roblox account and like Wings of fire,send me a friend request:Sakuranekopaw2nd

I hope you enjoy this quiz!I was tired and bored when I decided to make this quiz so grammar mistakes and short questions might appear in this quiz, so enjoy!

Created by: Ruby Tyler
  1. You are sent into an arena and you have to fight a dragon,what strategy do you use?
  2. You get put into an important temporary duty that isnt like your usual duty, what do you do?
  3. You see a scavenger stealing gold in the treasury,what do you do?
  4. You get put in prison but you share a cell with an annoying dragonet,what do you do?
  5. The dragon you like is with someone else in another tribe, they cant be though,what do you do?
  6. Do you know about the pantala?
  7. What is your trait?
  8. What is your worst trait
  9. Do you fight for strength or needs?
  10. What is your other personality

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Quiz topic: What wings of fire tribe do I belong in

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