What Wings of Fire Character are You?

Hi! Thank you so much for deciding to take my quiz! This is a quiz to see which Wings of Fire dragon are you! The options are, Clay, Tsunami, Glory, Sunny, Starflight, Moonwatcher, Qibli, and Peril.

I really hope you enjoy it, this took a while to make! (JK it took like a day!) My personal favorite Wings of Fire dragon, is QIBLI!!! You also get a description of what makes you that dragon!

Created by: DRAGONLOVER!
  1. You see a lost dragonet on the path in front of you. What do you do with it?
  2. You hear your stomach grumbling. What do you eat?
  3. What kind of environment sounds good to you?
  4. What colors do you like?
  5. You get to choose a pet. What do you choose!
  6. A dragon is threatening to kill you. What do you do.
  7. You find a bag of jewels on the side of the road. What do you do with it?
  8. You find a dragon that you really like, what do you do?
  9. You find out you are in an important prophecy! What do you think?
  10. -Last Question- A dragonbite viper is going after you and your friend falls. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: What Wings of Fire Character am I?
